
Psxfin emulator mac
Psxfin emulator mac

psxfin emulator mac

Open up the BIOS folder, the inside should be completely empty. Open the Pcsx folder, and inside you'll see a folder called "BIOS". Inside you should see another folder called "Pcsxr" or "Pcsx", sometimes it's a little different, but open whichever one looks like Pcsx or some variation. Inside the Library folder, you will see another folder called "Application Support", open that one. A text box should pop up, inside the text box type "~/Library/" (Except not in quotation marks). If you don't have an option of Go to Folder, then you have to hold the "option" key as you click Go. Click this, and in the dropdown menu click "Go to Folder". Open Finder, and along the top of your screen there is a tab called "Go".

psxfin emulator mac

NOTE: Lion OS hides the user Library folder, so you have to access it differently. In front of you now should be some folders with names like "Documents, Downloads, Music, Library, etc. Open up Finder, and along the left side you should see your name/username with a little house icon next to it.

psxfin emulator mac

Highlight your BIOS files and copy them (Command + C), as in a moment you'll be pasting these somewhere. bin it all sort of depends where you got them from. If they aren't, run them through Stuffit Expander (Right click -> Open with -> Stuffit Expander) and they should come out as. So now that you've got all the things from above, your next big move is to apply the BIOS to your emulator.

Psxfin emulator mac